
As many of you would have seen in the press over the last week or so there is a suggestion that ATAGI may be about to change the definition of what fully vaccinated is. At present fully vaccinated means that you have had two doses of an approved COVID-19 vaccine, however, there are reports that this will change relatively soon to three doses of an approved COVID-19 vaccine.

At present the Queensland Government requires that persons entering into a Residential Aged Care facility to be fully vaccinated and whilst we have not yet had it confirmed that they will follow the guidance of ATAGI with respect to what they define as fully vaccinated it is better to be prepared in case they do. As such I am writing to you to recommend you consider receiving a third dose (often referred to as a booster) if you have not already and are eligible. This would avoid potential delays in your ability to enter one of our sites if this requirement changes.

For those of you that have already received your third dose and if you have not already please ensure that you upload a copy of your vaccination certificate to our sign in system by going to https://sine.co/wf/zFT3c7Ca

Within the next couple of weeks we will be updating our website to make it easier for you to see what our current opening hours are as well as to simplify our previous communications regarding COVID. Please keep an eye out for this at our website www.arplus.org.au.

Finally I would like to thank all of you that have registered to be Partners In Care. Your willingness to step up and assist if our staffing situation becomes dire due to COVID is appreciated more than you know.

God Bless,

Eric Anderson

Adventist Retirement Plus
Seventh-day Adventist Aged Care (South Queensland) Ltd
P 07 3218 7777

400 Boundary St, Spring Hill QLD, 4000 | PO Box 577, Spring Hill QLD, 4004