Our Team

Adventist Aged Care is only as good as it’s people.

At Adventist Aged Care we believe we are only as good as our people. As a Christian organisation and people who believe in ‘Wholistic Living’ we take on the privilege of supporting, advocating for and caring for the elderly and we celebrate compassion, excellence and service through our people.

Within our communities and through our people we celebrate and encourage the value and worth of each individual in delivering care and services. Our priority is our residents and their well-being mentally, physically and emotionally and ensuring their environment is one which fosters joy, optimism and hope. We want these years to be the enriched years in their lives, supporting their independence and helping to ensure they feel included and engaged with their community with a real sense of motivation and purpose for living.

We believe in living well and being actively engaged in every aspect of your life –

  • eating nutritious and healthy food,
  • keeping physically active,
  • engaging in purposeful, stimulating and meaningful activities,
  • remaining connected with others and contributing to your community,
  • regularly enjoying time to relax, laugh, and enjoy life and
  • taking time to nurture your emotional and spiritual well-being.

And we believe our business is as good as our people. As a Christian not for profit organisation, Adventist Retirement Plus is committed to celebrating, developing and supporting our people – our team. Building our people is building our business. Our workplace is not only a place where our values translate to our residents, but where we actively promote and demonstrate the same values of care, respect, dignity and integrity towards one another in a spirit of teamwork.